Nothing I Could Do | Teen Ink

Nothing I Could Do

April 24, 2011
By sophia1 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
sophia1 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
3 articles 5 photos 2 comments

Today is just another day
A day that took a best friends life away
And so I clenched my fists
And hit the wall
Then fell to the ground
As if to crawl

Grey walls surrounded me
Felt as if they had swallowed me
My life was drenched in a shade of lead
Thought that I would be
Better off dead

Blue ran from my eyes
And sunk into my soul
My heart grew weak
And formed a hole

Today my best friend’s life was taken
Beauty of the waves and how they crashed
Was no longer special
Wasn’t as blue
Cause there was nothing
I could do


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