Dirty Little Secret | Teen Ink

Dirty Little Secret

May 1, 2011
By Independent GOLD, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
Independent GOLD, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
12 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every second is a chance to turn your life around.
Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
You were born an original; don't die a copy.
Smile. It kills them to see you happy.

I'm your dirty little secret,
that's trapped in your mind.
I rest between your wants and needs,
to no rules of yours do I abide.

I'm your dirty little secret,
that makes messes in your head.
I tare apart your sanity
and by my orders you are led.

I'm your dirty little secret
that frightens you all day.
I'm what keeps you so unhappy
but I will never go away.

I'm your dirty little secret
that repeatedly says "I told you so" to you.
I remind you of your mistake
and make your sufferings true.

I'm your dirty little secret
but that fault is all your own.
I'm just a flashback of your mistake
as your past worry has slowly grown.

I'm your dirty little secret
that hopes from now on you'll follow the rules.
I'm here to remind you that the past,
Is Impossible To Undo.

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