I Am From... | Teen Ink

I Am From...

June 7, 2011
By ilyxtheresa BRONZE, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
ilyxtheresa BRONZE, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a family full of kids that roamed around the house nonstop until they passed out into a night long sleep.
From admiring my older sister to having no interest in talking to her anymore.
From playing with cute stuff animals I won down at the shore to texting nonstop on my cellular.
I am from crunchy peanut butter to sweet nutella and wheat bread.
From homemade quilts to Walmart-bought blankets.
I am from Vietnam to living life in the states.
From picture books to single spaced novels.
From pet goldfish to puppies wandering 'round the house.
I am from Gerber's to Subway to McDonald's.
From 25 cents for gumballs to 80 bucks for a pair of Nikes.
I am from Rugrats and Max and Ruby.
From living life to the fullest without any worries and regrets.
From 2+2=4 to e=mc².
I am from beaded necklaces to sterling silver.
From loving Brats to singing Justin Bieber dolls.
From pinky promises to endless high school drama.
I am from crayon sharing and hide and go seek.
From the card towers and competitions with my brothers.
Squeaky glowing sneaks to flip flops and uggs.
A painted helicopter next to a geese infested park.
I am from a one-story house to a room of my own.
From P's to A's, B's, and maybe C's.
I am from tape recorders to paying 10 bucks for a seat in the local cinema.
I am Thao's and Cuong's.


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