Props to Surviving | Teen Ink

Props to Surviving

July 6, 2011
By Talker13N SILVER, Lansing, New York
Talker13N SILVER, Lansing, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take chances, make mistakes, and get MESSY!!!!!!!!

We’re all trying to make something of our name,
Which can be kinda tough, but that’s the name of the game.
All you have to do is step up to the plate
Instead of stepping back and being someone else’s bait.
I was told to be a warrior and never give up,
Some people think it is all about luck……
But they’re wrong, what they don’t know
That it’s all about some heart and soul.
Knowing when to keep tugging along,
As we all sing along to our pump up song
Or when it’s time to tie up the ropes,
But let me tell you never give up hope.
‘Cause the world keeps spinning
As people continue to keep on losing and winning.
But we must never stop our playing
Just listen to what I am saying….
Once ya give up, you’re done, game over.
It’s like a drunk taking a drink, while trying to stay sober,
There’s no taking it back that one little action,
And you start asking “what was the attraction?”
Man, life gets twisted, but it never stops,
So put ya hands up, and give a fella some props.

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