Life | Teen Ink


February 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Life is not a game
No toy or thriller
Life brings lots of pain
Sorrows and great terror
No time to joke or laugh
Just thinking how to bare
No one leading you a path
It all a nightmare
The paving is bad
Just twists and turns
Some grief and sadness
And sometimes burns
But a mark will remain
A scar deep and wound
Just poring out like rain
A promise is not bound
A word from the wise
My child so dear
Don’t take life for granted size
Temporary it is and happiness so mere
But look through the blindfold
And you just may find
Light, my friend, is told
Some where in mind
Enjoy what you can
But never forget
The clock ticks so fast
Words are said and never took back
The book closed shut in lack
Life is not a toy or thriller
Life brings lots of pain
But together, alone, we will manage
To learn and to master this 'game'

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