Cinderella Renewed | Teen Ink

Cinderella Renewed

February 16, 2008
By Anonymous

There was once this girl that I knew
Her name was Cinderella
She had some mice and birds that flew
Over her dad's large villa

She was an only child
Of a loving mom and dad
Of course, she was spoiled
She made people feel sad

She wouldn't do what mother said
She would start a fight
Like the time she was told to go to bed
She just stayed up all the night

Then one day something happened
Her mother just passed away
Her father's life shattered
But for Cinderella, It was Hooray!

Her father married somebody else
She had daughters herself, just two
The three ladies were kind themselves
They had best friends but few

Here was our cruel, unkind Cinderella
And she didn't like her new family
She simply hated Mary and Isabella
Her two stepsisters-to-be

Then came the news of a ball
Organized by the king
It was to be held in the castle's hall
And they were decorating everything

She dressed well, Cinderella
With a hundred jewels on her dress
But she was no match for Mary and Isabella
For they looked like princess

At the ball, the price chose Isabella
To be his worthy queen
The prince was a good fella
And they would be good king and queen

But then the prince changed his mind
And went to Cinderella
He said that he find
Her more beautiful than Isabella

And then they were wed
But they were not a happy couple
The prince looked pretty sad
They are not a good couple

For the prince looked quite afraid
People wondered what had frightened him
But I know that Cinderella had
A deadly revolver to torture him...


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