Sorrow | Teen Ink


November 18, 2011
By BertoBaBy BRONZE, Eatonville, Washington
BertoBaBy BRONZE, Eatonville, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s not about how you survived the storm, it&#039;s about how you danced in the rain.&quot; ALSO<br /> &quot;If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you then it was meant to be yours in the first place.&quot;

As we parish into the unknown
How can you just stand there watching me
drown in your own sorry soul
blackness in all your soul
no pride in your mind
no dignity in your heart
no one can understand my powerless heart
drop that knife, that sharpened figure
I wish you would demise into my light mind
You stabbed my heart to indefinitely many pieces
I screamed in your soul your name
Tried to be heard
My eyes pour out blood
My heart pour out sorrow
You sleep tight use one eye only tonight
For I’ll murder all your sanity in my soul
Nobody left to hurt me
Nobody left to feel my true pain
Nobody left to save my sorrow
You are now dead to me
Now I wash my hands all the bloody dust down the drain
I walk to your grave and say
Better you than me

The author's comments:
i was going through a hard time when i wrote this, and to many others who understood of my situation they understood why i wrote it.

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