Knight in Shining Armour | Teen Ink

Knight in Shining Armour

January 4, 2012
By AshPash BRONZE, Apache Junction, Arizona
AshPash BRONZE, Apache Junction, Arizona
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." -Unknown

Thy love hath captivated me,
Thy breathless words have held my soul.
Thine eyes incredulously hold me.
Only thee can fill me whole.
Thy chivalry untold,
Is more than I can question for.
Thy kindness foretold,
Giveth me greatness of which to adore.
And when the sun sets calmly,
Behind the grass covered hills,
Thy smile crosses nonchalantly,
Its so perfect, it always brings chills.
Thy hand outstretched for others,
Gives me peace on your part.
My feelings become smothered,
At the man who stole my heart.
Thy horse carrying thee,
Came upon my presence.
Only that you might asketh me,
If thou might share within the essence.
Thine honour did retain me,
From holding back too long.
And thine hand stretched out for me,
Called me, ever so strong.
Now, together we share,
In fulfillment so dear.
This love couldn't be more fair,
Thy passion will always compel me near.

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