Win in overtime | Teen Ink

Win in overtime

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Your team starts off the season 0-2.
You are ranked number thirty-two out of thirty two.
Coach isn’t happy with the team’s performance
Because everyone is trying to build up their stats.

Coach talks to the team
To help get them get motivated.
They work harder at practice
But they are still losing.

Now 0-5
You are disappointed.
You talk to the team yourself
And you decide to come together.

Instead of racking up their own stats
They are playing as a team.
Winning ten straight
Before losing their last game.

They make the playoffs
And you give another talk.
To help them get motivated
For all of the excitement.

You win the first two with a breeze.
You win the third in a tight one.
Now you are in the Super Bowl
You win it in overtime by a 73-yard field goal.

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