Daddy | Teen Ink


April 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Daddy I still love you.
Why you may ask?
Considering you not being there after the age of five,
Just because you couldn't handle mom in your life.
Daddy I still love you.
Why, you may ask?
Considering you promised, no reassured, your presence on Christmas,
But failed to follow through because of your laziness.
Daddy I still love you.
Why, you may ask?
Considering your lies of having the perfect house for you and me to live,
But obviously it wasn't enough because I'm not with you and the government says that it's not enough to give.

Daddy I still love you.
Why, you may ask?
Because when I look at this photo I ask myself,
"Self, what happened? Where is mmy inner wealth?"
Daddy I still love you.
Why, you may ask?
Because I remeber conversations with you and me.
You didn't know, but you were my Annabel Lee.
Daddy I still love you.
Why, you may ask?
Because I don't ever forget or even regret having you in my life.

So one day when I have my career,
Have my wedding,
And have my babies.
With cheer I will look over to you and say,
"Daddy I still love you."
And when you ask, "Why?" I will say,
"It's because no matter what you may do wrong you will always be my father. You may not be perfect, but you did give me wings to fly!"

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