I Did Try | Teen Ink

I Did Try

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Some may say failure only comes to those who refuse to try,
Take the mysterious hand of love, or battle among the exceptionally best, you will prevail.
But I did try, and I was left sorrowfully wondering why.

The honest will say: peril will lead you only to die,
as you tumble down into the dark, forbidden, unknown.
Some may say failure only comes to those who refuse to try.

Some will say try, and with faith, you will fly.
Take the illicit plunge; explore what has never been explored before.
But I did try, and was left sorrowfully wondering why.

What joy has he ever given me? Faith in he that evil, cunning, try is nothing but a demeaning lie.
He takes your naïve and faithful hand, and from that moment the earth’s spin seems to slow.
Some may say failure only comes to those who refuse to try.

The world stops spinning and we’re frozen in time, just you and I,
Until feelings and infatuations slowly fade away, and you’re back to you and I’m back to me.
But I did try, and was left sorrowfully wondering why.

As now I lay down with my bloody, beaten heart I do the only thing that’s left to do, I quietly cry.
I should have known you’d hurt me this way, you evil, cunning, faith in try.
Some may say failure only comes to those who refuse to try.
But I did try, and was left sorrowfully wondering why.

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