Each Passing Day | Teen Ink

Each Passing Day

May 3, 2008
By Anonymous

with each passing day His Heart grew weak.
forlorn, so was He
so impacably so that when He saw Her
His wounds were miraclously bandaged
the scars healed over and
were never to be mentioned again

Love at First Sight it was, what with
a tongue as quick as his,
Her ears strained themselves to listen,
Her breathing steady, Her heart
omniscent to Her true feelings, her eyes
Her eyes...

behold such a beauty in them,
not known to man
yet still She stood there above Him
There He held Her
effortlessly, above Himself
always above Him
on the pedestal She stood
as if royalty was in Her blood

every Rose has its thorn...
naive He was to believe those tender words..

Love could not wait...
and though she may fight up until

we must see that even
can not evade Truest of Loves...

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