Emotional Ride | Teen Ink

Emotional Ride

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

This emotion that you create for me
Turns my heart around
All you bring is pain
It's like you have cut my heart open a million times
And each time it gets deeper and deeper
I poured my heart and soul out to you
This is all I get
This feeling has grown so cold
You scared my heart for life
I should have listened to everyone but I just denied it because I wanted this love to be so real
It was like this was all a big game to you
Well I guess you've won
I was the one ended up hurt
I saw your roller coaster and jumped on it too easy
You saw my weakness and used it against me and that wasn't fair but I guess love isn't fair at all
I told you that i loved you and you said it back but the difference is that I meant it and you didn't
Now all you bring is pain
My feelings for you have grown so cold

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