Into The Night | Teen Ink

Into The Night

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I lay in bed
Surrounded by darkness
Rain trickles on the tin roof
It's hard to hear over the noise
My old house creaks at night
It frightents me
For I fear it is an intruder
Someone who has ridden the tracks for miles
Day in and day out
Night after night
Looking for just one more
One more house
One more victim
He could have seen the light
My stereo through the window
The silhouette of the house against the three towering yard lights
The glow of the television in the living room
The old floor creaks in perfect sequence
Sounding as footsteps
Getting closer and closer
Up the stairs then down the hall towards my door
My heartbeat getting faster and faster
I wait to hear the turn of my doorknob
The grinding noise as my window slides open
He had been on the roof
Finally, I realize it's just the cracking of the floor or roof
Expanding and contracting with the temperature change
My heart rests
My mind settles
Back into the darkness
Back into anticipation
Back into the fear of what waits where I can't see

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