Lady Amora | Teen Ink

Lady Amora

September 21, 2007
By Anonymous

Godess of lust and sharp objects
see her pain feel her shame
watch her blood
as it coagulates
it radiates
she rips her skin away
hopes the glow will shed some light
knows god will never relinquish any
on one so far gone

He stole her innocense
still steals her blood
no-one can buy her guilt
her breath was taken
a void created
no stiches
no staples
could patch this tear
on the crease of
your condolence card

Turn on the light
you say
this movie would be ruined.

your crimson glows
Lady Amora
sending out
a bright red stress beacon

The glint of steel
the flash of teeth
you slice
you bite
but will you ever know
the damage you can't see.

Don't expose my film to the light
her blank eyes beg
but dear
I just don't think i can comply

Poor Lady Amora
not a life to see
no lovers you know
just a movie
just another sad scene
watch it crumble
watch her break
do you enjoy it?

Lady Amora
she feels nothing
just your words,
your glances
screaming through her
gaping hole
her endless abyss
why does nothing fill it?

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