Colorful sky | Teen Ink

Colorful sky

July 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Colorful Sky

Sky a Blaze
They burst in the air
So bright and gleaming
And one day they dance with the stars
Up so high
They scream and howl to show their love and excitement
Bringing joy to most everyone
Small kids with ice cream on their faces
Look up dazed and amazed
The many colors shimmer and shine
Colliding with one and other
When it is all done
The stars are once again lonely
They will have more dancing partners
It will happen soon
This they know
As the hush and blackness of the night
Creep over the once crowed land
The little one can wait till it is their time
Their time to shine
Their time to bring joy
For they are fireworks
They just can help it

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