Goodbye for life | Teen Ink

Goodbye for life

July 11, 2008
By Anonymous

You said Goodbye.
I wish I had known!
What did you mean?
I thought it was for only,
a short time.
I didn't know goodbye was for life.
I cried long nights,
But still I wait.
I wait for you
to come walking,
through my door.
How my life has changed ,
from that choice you made.
you killed me inside,
but now I'm a different person
thanks to you.
the things you have done
are all but a blur
the mistakes are erased
gone forever
I don't remember much.
but one thing is for sure,
I'll never forget,
you are the one,
I cried for,
seven long years.
I don't know much
But I know you will always be,
right beside me.
Guiding me through life
through my heart and soul
So here is my final Goodbye

The author's comments:
I wrote this peom in memory of my mother that took her life back in 2000.

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