Poor Sarah | Teen Ink

Poor Sarah

May 28, 2012
By CourtneyT BRONZE, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
CourtneyT BRONZE, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I must be a terrible child
Because I’m always in trouble
I can’t remember the last time I smiled
Or last time I was cuddled

I sit in my dark room
Holding back my tears
Surrounded only by my gloom
My name is Sarah
And I’m only of six years

I hear the door swing open
And I start to tremble with fear
Daddy started yelling
His breath stank of beer

While daddy ran upstairs
I heard my mommy sob
And when daddy punched me in the face
My nose began to throb

Mommy let out a scream
But mommy was too afraid
I can only dream
What would have happened if mommy stayed
But she didn’t, she left me there to die
Tears pour down my rosy cheeks
I couldn’t help but cry
Then daddy kicked me in my side

I scream out in pain
Hoping someone would hear
If only someone would’ve came
I now lay riddled with fear

I close my eyes, to try to dream the hurt away
And then I fell unconscious
But I didn’t wake up that day
My name is Sarah
And I am six years of age
And, sadly, I died that day

But I see Mommy
I watch her from up above
She seems happy without me
And without me, she fell in love

But my dad he going to ruin it
He’s tracking her down as we speak
He’s going to hurt her next
She hasn’t seen him sneak

The author's comments:
Some people think it's okay to smack a child on the hand. However, the punishments gradually increase until the children are abused to this extent. We need to stop child abuse all together.

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on Jun. 4 2012 at 12:40 pm
Kenziemcm13 PLATINUM, Rutherfordton, North Carolina
36 articles 5 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
A simple story can tell an entire story!~~ ME<br /> Pictures tell a 1000 words~IDK :P

I love it! Can you check out some of my poems please? :) I would be honored for someone of your skill to read rate and comment my poetry! :)