Night of Broken dreams . . . | Teen Ink

Night of Broken dreams . . .

November 16, 2012
By Nelly_Superman SILVER, Park City, Utah
Nelly_Superman SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason

The night of broken dreams . . .

I took a step into the dark cold night
I looked up to see there were no stars to wish on in sight
Oh but what I saw filled me with dread
Broken wishes of those whose hope was dead
Broken wishes floated high above me
I realized they were silently searching for the key
If found, this key would release my hope and allow it to go away
In fear, my mind screamed yet left me no words to say
Then I realized that the key was my fear
I call for my hope but my hope is not here
I wanted to run and never look back
But with no hope in my heart my dreams began to crack
“my dreams will not break!” I screamed out loud
“My dreams will not break for they are much too proud”
But my pride began to dissolve along with my dream
I quickly glanced up but found no wishes I had not seen
Where is my dream? I wondered, I wished for a sign
I glanced up once more and saw a new broken dream, this dream was mine

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this poem was my writing. I've always wanted to be a good writer but I was in a poetry slam and I let my stage fright get to me so I got eliminated. The message in this poem is DARE TO STAND OUT to make your dream REALITY.

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