My Love Story | Teen Ink

My Love Story

August 10, 2008
By itsmekarli GOLD, Deep River, Connecticut
itsmekarli GOLD, Deep River, Connecticut
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I want a special love story, like ones in movies and on T.V
I want a special memory which will always be in me
I want a love who is lost one day then reapears in my future life
then we fall back inlove, realize what we were missing, and become perfect husband and wife.
I want a story so exciting and riviting to tell my grandkids as I get old
One thats so heart warming and irrisistable that I never get tired of hearing it be told
I want to feel the feeling of being inlove sharing pain, joy, and laughter
Yet in the end, all I really want
is a happily ever after.


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