humanity is a tragedy | Teen Ink

humanity is a tragedy

December 14, 2012
By wadeM BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
wadeM BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid. <br /> -Frank Zappa

What I wouldn't give to be a tree
to feel the feeling of feeling free

free from love, and hate, and hurt
not to kill to eat but live on dirt

by caterpillars my emerald leaves are chewed
with each spring rain I am renewed

the summer sun shines down on me
bathing in golden light this humble tree

the fruit I've borne are a scrumptious feast
and my knots are home to bird and beast

as winter winds whip my leaves away
the world around me turns cold and grey

for a time there's a white wonderland
but once again the warmth of spring's at hand

as this gentle rythm loses its attraction
I find myself searching for some kind of distraction

I take to whatching mens lives unfold
each the saddest story earth's ever told

the countless tragedies that i have beheld
make me yurn for the day that I'm to be felled

perhaps this life is not for me
the long, long, lonely life of a tree

living for years and years on end without one real lasting friend

so if i had but one wish
my wish would be, to be a fish

id soar through the water as a bird through the air
id be a jovial fish without one single care

I'd swim down the river, id go round the bend
id live, and id grow, and id die-


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