Oh don't ask for an answer... | Teen Ink

Oh don't ask for an answer...

December 16, 2012
By jenna hoaglan GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
jenna hoaglan GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And dear if you ask me for an answer, tell me what is it that you want me to say?
All the time in the world couldn’t prepare me to re-visit that day.
And in my head I remember it over again, the way it felt when I realized your whole life is all a sin.
Broken pieces and dizziness fly in through the walls, across the halls, and haunt me in the bathroom stall.
I overflow with emotion and there’s so much commotion, not on the outside but only on the in.
And when will it be over, am I sober, can you answer, or can you only pretend?
Lend me a hand, I say, let me borrow your faith, can you hear me, am I loud enough, Was this a mistake?
So many questions, but if you ask me, I wouldn’t speak a word, even if I did I know I wouldn’t be heard.
The days are moving, transcending into one big disappointment, and in preparation the arrows are prepared, yes, being anointed.
I’m not ready to fight, but I have no choice, the battle has started, will this end in rejoice?

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