Whistle From The Wind | Teen Ink

Whistle From The Wind

January 10, 2013
By Darkbutterfly SILVER, Taylors, South Carolina
Darkbutterfly SILVER, Taylors, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can cry with a pure heart nothing else compares to such a prayer."

A whistle from the wind a call from the birds.
Leaves fall from the trees day by day as tears fill my heart and come flowing from my eyes like a waterfall. A crunching on the leaves with a walk in the woods. Thats the sound of my dream of you being shattered. As I trip over a rock and hit my head on the concrete.As blood flows on the walkway spelling out the word never of what you said to me but. My heart is still beating like eagles wings are sill flapping to. Win the battle of which you think I lost.

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