Family's Love | Teen Ink

Family's Love

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Centered within my family,
a loving warmth held inside,
circling around all that's me
and in my heart this warmth does hide.

It's filling and it's healing,
a family's love is true and blue,
this accepted, loved feeling
that feels like it's just for you.

A family's love is never-ending,
it goes on for days and days,
it's unbreakable, unbending,
it's majestic in its ways.

It's something to behold,
something to cherish in your heart,
a family's love is never old
and it can't ever fall apart.

So hold your loved ones close to you,
don't let them forget you care
because they may always love you,
but they won't always be there.

The author's comments:
I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and cousins in Florida and when I went there the second time it was to see my AUnt and Uncle from Germany and I just love being with my family and I was thinking about it and wrote this.

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