A Man Named Othello | Teen Ink

A Man Named Othello

April 10, 2013
By deerhunter9 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
deerhunter9 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man named Othello
He was a good ole fellow
He said, “Iago is most honest”
But Emilia knew Iago wasn’t modest
He liked to wear polo
We always went solo
Until he met a lady in yellow
She was very mellow
They each said hello
Went to dinner and ate some gumbo
For dessert they ate blue Jello
He brought her home and played the Cello
Iago told Roderigo “Virtue! a fig! 'tis in ourselves that we are thus
or thus”
He should have just told him he looked like a pig
Othello’s favorite ninja turtle was Donatello
He loved to watch it and eat coco
How Iago said, “Come, be a man. Drown thyself! Drown
cats and blind puppies”
He sounded like a little guppies
Othello is like a big black ram
Othello’s favorite food was sloppy Joe
His favorite game was Nintendo
That might be a typo
I think he almost won a game show
It was called Are you smarter than a maestro

That dude is a funny Negro
But he didn’t act ghetto
Chicago is his favorite place
He had a dog-named Milo
Othello said, “there's magic in the web of it”
Desdemona didn’t believe it
He was like that Biotch “o”
She said, “In sooth, you are to blame”
He was like ohhhhh hell “no”
Roderigo said, “I am changed: I'll go sell all my land”
But it was probably made out of sand
Bianca is the hoe
She slept with so many dudes its unreal yo
But you know what they say “yolo”
Her dog’s name is kyro
The only thing she could do was sew
But she got in trouble with the popo
When they caught her all she said was woah!
They took all her dough
Because she was slow
But back to Othello
He would usually call Cassio a dodo
But you know he is “slowdo”
He couldn’t find his one pillow and it was like a rock
I smelt like a dirty sock
He was about to blow like a bomb
But anyway he played basketball
He had a free throw
He made it and shouted “letsssssgo”
He was a good bro
But it was long ago
He had to kick it in turbo
To undergo
The glow of the bow
To go talk to Moe
Moe was like a hippo
The snow was white as a cotton ball
Othello was very tall
But he did like to row
Rowing is like a workout
But it will also get you “brokeout” this world
Othello said he should go
He was offended like the worker with no paycheck
Othello was black as a crow
But was polite
You would think he had a fro
He was nice as the sunset
He would have to undergo
A procedure hard as a knife
The river would flow
Like a roadway
Othello loved Desdemona
Although did get mad like a tiger with no food
He still loved her with all his heart
He was big like a skyscraper
She was small like an ant
But they still made it work

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