I Give my all for nothing | Teen Ink

I Give my all for nothing

April 25, 2013
By ohkneeyol94 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ohkneeyol94 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You lean on me when you’re not strong
Yet, I stick up for you even when you’re wrong
You have never considered how I feel
Putting me places I don’t belong

This heartbreak wasn’t in the deal
You feed me lies, a full course meal
I’ve never let you down despite
I brush it all off like it’s not real

You don’t even care, so why do I fight?
But still, I try with all my might
To make you love me like I love you
But, it never seems to work out right

Maybe if you could just be true
I wouldn’t be feeling so damn blue
I wish someone would love me too
I wish someone would love me too

The author's comments:
If you feel rejected, used, or alone because someone has made you feel as if you are not good enough, I hope you know that you are indeed good enough. You deserve better. Go do something that makes you happy. Find someone who makes you smile. Do not let another soul even ruin one hour of your day, this is YOUR life.

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