Great Grandma Witherspoon | Teen Ink

Great Grandma Witherspoon

May 22, 2013
By Spiderkitty BRONZE, White Water, California
Spiderkitty BRONZE, White Water, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You lie there with a peaceful hue of pink across your cheek.
Your spark is fading faster with every slowing beep.
Your skin is growing colder like the winter night outside.
The family hopes and prays that the doctors words are lies.

Why is that the ones we love the most don’t seem to last?
The ones that seem to truly make you youthfully grin and laugh.
Like the times when she would sing and play the piano for us all.
Listening to the peaceful notes slowly rise and fall.
Everyone was so happy, smiling and full of bliss.
And now we sit here listening to the beeps begin to miss.

You held our family together with your tender warm embrace,
But the warmth is fading quickly with the ever slowing pace.
The family starts to bicker. Throwing blame across the room.
“You should have been there for her! Where the hell were you?”

It was over almost as quickly as it had begun.
The family falls in silence, only one noise being sung.
The slowing beeps have turned into a single tearing note.
At this moment from my dream state I awoke.
My phone glowing bright with a voice mail from my mother.
Between her broken voice I hear the sadness she tries to cover.
Through her stifled sobs I get the message,
“G.G.’s gone Sweetie. She’s finally left us.”

The author's comments:
my great grandmother resonantly past away. she was a big part of my mothers life and i felt like this was the least i could do. if she can somehow see this from the after life i want her to know that i love her very much. Rest peacfully GG.

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