The Killer | Teen Ink

The Killer

July 20, 2013
By HarshitV BRONZE, Delhi, New Jersey
HarshitV BRONZE, Delhi, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To terminate your pretty quiet life
Someone is ready to stab you with his knife
Your every move is being watched
By the one whose emotions are completely lost
You no longer would feel safe in your own house
'cause is gonna begin the chase between cat and mouse
Just to add to your fear he wears the mask
It's hard to run away for he is too fast
Your attempts may fail but he never will
For he is not gonna stop until he completely kills
Locks are not gonna hold him much longer
You hopes would die but his will power would grow stronger
There has never been anyone who could uncover his face
His footsteps are such that are hard to trace
He must be out there searching new victims
No one can stop him for its his game which he always wins

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