The Kiss of a Killer | Teen Ink

The Kiss of a Killer

September 26, 2013
By BrittanyKaye21 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
BrittanyKaye21 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless
Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion
But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strengths.
They sill soar on wings like eagles... Isaiah 40:29-30

We started out as friend––
acquaintances in the hall.
We shared our thoughts through eye contact
And later I’d find out all.

A very intriguing man you are.
You’re quite, clean cut, and charming.
You approached by my locker that day
However, nothing about you was alarming.

A date is what you asked.
A simple yes I did reply.
A night I wouldn’t forget
was furthest from a lie.

From dinner to a movie
Oh boy, did we have fun!
We laughed so hard we almost cried.
Little did I know this journey had begun.

Moons had come and Moons had gone
Our relationship bloomed so wide.
We were young and having fun;
The past few weeks only seemed to glide.

Even though our passion burned,
a strange thought crossed my mind.
Are you the man I thought you were
or in a mess was I intertwined?

Surprising you, I sought,
Therefore, I went on my way to your house.
I was quite astounded when I saw
A cat, a dog, and a mouse.

There was neither bark nor bite
to these little fury friends.
They lie there on their carpet
Having met their fatal ends.

You were coming…
Your footsteps flew from the hall.
Straining my neck to see your entrance,
The door cracked like thunder on the wall.

On your feet, you flew to me
Grasping my arm in your hand.
You put a mask on my face
and drove me away from this horrid land.

Miles and miles, we seemed to go
To a destination, I soon would learn.
Who’s the man I had been dating?
Fantasy verse Reality–– I could not discern.

We halted to a stop
Somewhere oh so far far away.
I was grabbed and thrown out the door
And unable to see the light of day.

You took the blindfold off my eyes
And the ray of sun shone on me.
You stood there with a chainsaw.
Terrified I sat–– how could this be?

The roar of the machine
Quickly had me to my feet.
I ran for all I had because I was your prey
And you mister lion surely to eat.

But you were too fast for me.
And caught me in no time.
I sat there kicking–– wailing–– screaming
As you committed your disturbing crime.

Now as I lay here
Forever in my sleep.
All my blood had been poured out
And my limbs in one big heap.

But I want the world to know
That not all boys are truly mad.
There are great a few ones out there…
Ones perfect to call you lad.

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