Sleep Ships | Teen Ink

Sleep Ships

October 6, 2008
By Rainyday65 BRONZE, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
Rainyday65 BRONZE, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My voice rang through the rafters, as if the voices of the angels of heaven were mixing together to form one and shower down upon us like little drops of heaven. Then they lay down their heads and inhaled the sweet scent of the garden outside their window. Soon the candle was snuffed out as, one by one, they approached the Shores of Sleep. On through the night they will sail, across the Sea of Snores, where the wind whispers in their ears the secrets the darkness conceals. On to the Cove of Calmness where the waves rock them lovingly before gently pushing them to the Dunes of Dreams. Once there they are coaxed into a deeper sleep as the tides make the sea deeper. Through the night they sail, onward until the dawn comes and takes them to the Bay of Awakening where they rub their eyes before opening them. For the night they will sleep.

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This article has 1 comment.

LoriBeth65 said...
on Oct. 15 2008 at 12:52 pm
Lizzy, That is a BEAUTIFUL poem. I am SO impressed!