Unimportant | Teen Ink


October 17, 2008
By Anonymous

When you’re not the important one you tend to get left behind.
When you are fifteen and you eat alone in an empty house-
you know you’re not the important one.

When they watched all his games and never yours
When they forgot to pick you up from school-
you know you’re not the important one.

When they don’t notice you through the chaos and
When they think you will go nowhere in life
just think, you’re not the only one;
you can and will get through this.

The author's comments:
No matter how hard teen life can get for you, keep going because then you can prove to all of those people that never believed in you that you can survive and you don't need anyone's help.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 3 2009 at 9:26 pm
You are not alone. You are the most important one - to yourself. You have to be. The others will either come to their senses or not. You need to keep yours.