I am the one | Teen Ink

I am the one

November 15, 2013
By Tinkerbell98 BRONZE, DeFuniak Springs, Florida
Tinkerbell98 BRONZE, DeFuniak Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the one
You sliced with the whip yesterday.
I felt the pain and blood gushing doen my back
As you laughed and said
“Stand up and pay for what you have done!”

I am the one
That you work to death everyday
Till I can taste the salty sweat in my mouth.
The fumes from the cotton has made my head
Hurt to the point I can’t think.

I am the one
That has to hear all the painful shrieks at night
From my fellow slaves that you whip.

I am the one
That sees the heat rising off the cotton
While you sit up there in your cool house shaded from the sun.

I am the one.

The author's comments:
I had to write a poem for english about slavery. I got passionate about the subject and wrote this poem.

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