stunt love | Teen Ink

stunt love

March 12, 2014
By kira148 BRONZE, Alex, Other
kira148 BRONZE, Alex, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the feelings of you as my beloved weren't on spot but when you knocked my heart and stopped
said my dear lady i only found my true love in your hut
i answered just tip my heart and touch
it melted like ice without a clot
unfortunately the temperature was too hot and turned your fears on spot
but when i told you keep your cool
you said it's no more the right door
it's too hard to hear your howl that keeps me awake like an owl and not to tell you
my dear baby just hold me tight you 're my flower
the depth of your eyes made me puzzled
am i the correct girl or just a trial for the hazel
my pride stopped me to stay when your words told me go away
my heart whispered just don't obey , he 'll be back with a lay
space would have taught me to keep grudge
but it's not for you to judge
he 'll be back to my hugs
sooner or later is my sugars favorite song
reveals my feelings are no more hung
a tale of an eye that to much to say but can't handle more than a look
no matter how much time it took
i don't wanna hear than i want you from that hook

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