Friday Fiasco | Teen Ink

Friday Fiasco

March 25, 2014
By Amandaa_126 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Amandaa_126 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In my dreams
a clown is ringing
a bell in my ear
like the fire alarm at school
Beep Beep Beep
As I struggle and fight the frightening clown
my foggy brain begins to awaken
Slowly I open one eye to see the source of my annoyance
Through the darkness of the room
The alarm clock shines brightly
Like a full moon
I whapp it into silence
As my fuzzy, foggy, fairly sleepy brain clears,
I remeber its finally Friday!
Bouncing out of bed hair askew, stumbling up the steps.
Pouring my box of cereal.
Honey nut cheerios and milk
I slurp it down slowly trying to awaken
Strange.. The house is so silent
Why is no one else awake yet?
Throwing on clothes,
Favorite sweatshirt and jeans
getting ready for the day.
Glancing at the clock 10 minutes until its time to go.

Wait… It is only 3:20.. AM
Back to bed I go.

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