For My Universe | Teen Ink

For My Universe

June 13, 2014
By MyaMae BRONZE, Little Falls, Minnesota
MyaMae BRONZE, Little Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I could write you into every metaphor under the sun.
Ribs, bones, and trees within lungs.
Life’s rebirth from winter’s dying gray.
Rainy days and window panes.
I could sit outside among the birds and bees,
Listening to their song for as long as I please,
But I would only hear soft spoken whispers;
And without your love I would shake and shiver.
I could keep us beneath our star; our sun,
But you are transcendent and we are not confined to this mere earth.
So, I will right you into the universe.
I will escape this confined atmosphere,
The gravity of my present, and all of my fear.
Nothing to hold back, no goodbyes to discuss.
I’ll close my eyes, and rush into the promise of us.
I will curl up into a crater of the moon,
And kiss the darkened face that sings a long lost tune.
I will alight each dead and dying star,
And tell them of how much they are.
You will leave; as the breathe of from my lungs.
To caress every galaxy, and speak every tongue.
I will carve your name into Saturn’s rings;
Willingly give my life for your soul,
If you should ever find yourself amidst a black hole.
I will unravel every memory of you,
To promise heavenly universe a new,
And watch the thoughts of you create a nebulae.
I will have your light to guide me in the dark,
As I navigate the light years that keep us apart.
As time goes on Ill become brave,
Even in the face of danger; for you I refuse to cave.
I will get cold, and forget to breath sometimes.
This spacesuit can only protect so much.
I will run into asteroid fields,
And my ship will be filled with nothing.
I will abandon all that keeps me safe,
And float away with only you to stop me;
But I will drift to you one glorious day.
Above a new star to keep the cold at bay.
We’ll shed our spacesuit cocoons in the wake of light,
Carried upward on iridescent wings in boundless flight,
And with one kiss we’ll create a new land.
I will smile upon all that I have charted; all I knew to be true.
All this time my only universe has been you.

The author's comments:
I'm a 14 year old published poet. Things are hard, I must admit. This piece of mine was on, but another "poet" copied my poem and claimed it as their own. I deleted mine from that website and placed it here. I've been published in multiple books and I've also won multiple contests. Enjoy.

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