An Intellectual Mode Of Thought | Teen Ink

An Intellectual Mode Of Thought

September 30, 2014
By LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

At times I feel like a forest; drowning in solitude, but surrounded by life of all forms. Each day, I view the same sights as all of the life forms: flower, animal, and tree. The perspectives, however, are always differed. As the forest, I represent all living and nonliving things held inside. My solitude has allowed me to anylyze my representatives and understand them in my own unique likeness. My interest lies in the worlds inside the living creatures minds and thought processes. And as long as I thrive on this soil, I intend to discover it.

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