Sanity | Teen Ink


October 25, 2014
By thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I always loved you just the same,
as we sank slow into a gentle night,
you are the one that keeps me sane.

Even as sorrow attacked without tame,
we swam towards the flowering light,
I always loved you just the same.

As the tears dropped and war came,
we are swallowed by the fear of flight,
yet you are the one that keeps me sane.

Even you ran away with tears in flame,
pouring out the wait that left you without sight.
I always loved you just the same.

Yet, I pray for every minute that comes in silent blame,
for me to touch those lips, and hold you just right,
You are the one that keeps me sane.

And now, I sit here whispering your name.
Waiting to see your face again in my wishes left bright.
You know, I always loved you just the same.
And you are the only one that keeps me sane.

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