The Death of an Angel | Teen Ink

The Death of an Angel

January 29, 2015
By Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

a light will shine from up above the clouds             
between the blue-gray sky will lie angels                
crying to the mundane world, sweet singing                   
during the change of weather due in time,
enough for Him to hear their cries and sighs
fallen angels, broken souls for spirits                           
graved upon the dead, yet the angels love
humans for their life, like a child yearns                       
in its mothers arms, wanting--no--craving                       
just to live a life that is not their own
kept secrets are enchanting to angels
like whispers spoken from chapped broken lips
mortals go day by day for adventure
nothing escapes the charm of a human
october was near and a child would
perish today, this child’s angel knew                       
quietly singing lullabies would help
rather than suffer being an unborn child
seven miles from the hospital but
the death of an angel occurred tonight
under the church bell the child survived
velveteen trousers followed by shadows                    
walking back home from the doctors
x-ray photos falling from the briefcase                          
yields at the sight of a newborn child,
zachary, an innocent orphan now.

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