i come from | Teen Ink

i come from

September 30, 2015
By Ryandawson176 BRONZE, Clawson, Michigan
Ryandawson176 BRONZE, Clawson, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I come from a family of running.
my grandpa and uncle both ran for years
you could say it's in my blood to run.
We love the feeling of adrenaline
running through our bones.
Wind blowing briskly against our face
feet pounding on the ground.
It's a drug, a drug I love.

I come from a family of dog lovers.
Their floppy ears make me so happy
their smooshy faces
unconditional love and affection
thier love for cuddling
dogs are truly man's best friend. 
I come from a family of food lovers
There's always some type of food being made
We pour our love and compassion into it
shaping it into what we believe is perfect

I come from a divorced family.
They don't mean to throw me in the middle.
Were split apart with the concept of whose side we need to be on.
In reality we shouldn't worry about whose side were on.
We're a family, regardless of what happened
we should only care about loving each other.
We have our good times and bad
its life with every uphill there's a downhill.
What matter most is if we get through it together.
Family is meant to be there for you regardless of what you've done.
we all make mistakes, it makes us human.

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