My Name: Martha | Teen Ink

My Name: Martha

January 26, 2009
By sk8ski4life GOLD, Lincoln, Massachusetts
sk8ski4life GOLD, Lincoln, Massachusetts
13 articles 10 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Just because it&#039;s raining doesn&#039;t mean you can&#039;t go swimming.&quot;<br /> ~Anonymous

Martha is mahogany
It is sweet and kind, strong and loyal
Martha lies down on the grass and dreams about
brown paper packages tied up with string and all the rest of Julie Andrews's favorite things
Martha floats on the waves all the way out to sea till it reaches Nantucket; Martha's favorite place in the world
Martha is the number 6
In between two prime numbers, she cheers up any situation that occurs
M-A-R-T-H-A: 6 letters
Martha is Huang Meihui, Mars, Moofna, Moofafna, Marfna, Nut-Nut, Bumpity-bumpus, Squirell, Pookie, Shnookie Lukus and Thuh
Some nicknames never stuck
Others have been with her forever
Martha is surfing and football
Martha is knitting scarves and playing playmobil with her brother who is seven
Martha is a messy room, but only messy when she is trying to find her favorite fabric at the bottom of the fabric basket
Martha is Martha and I wouldn't change my name for a million diamonds


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