Just A Letter | Teen Ink

Just A Letter

February 1, 2009
By writingis4ever PLATINUM, Calabasas, California
writingis4ever PLATINUM, Calabasas, California
26 articles 0 photos 21 comments

I don't get it
It's just a letter, a combination of swift pen marks, a juxtaposition of lines
Three rivers of ink, that's all it is

So I don't get it
It's just a letter, but it's the first one we learn, maybe that's why
The first is always best, unparalleled by any other

But I don't get it
It's just a letter, really, just an artist's creation
A simple design, that's all it is

Still, I don't get it
It's just a letter, and letters can't carry power
Why then, if we bend those three malleable lines, does it capsize the world?

I don't get it
It's just a letter, but in its absence we send out search parties and rescue teams
And if it's kidnapped it pulls salty ponds from our eyes

So I don't get it
It's just a letter, a plain and simple shape
Worthless, with no monetary value and no explanation found in the dictionary

I don't get it
It is just a letter, a part of the alphabet and nothing more
But somehow, someway, it has taken us hostage, blinded and strangled us

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 17 2009 at 11:16 am
jellyinthesky PLATINUM, Renton, Washington
26 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"wow, you have a shit-ton of cheese."
