conform | Teen Ink


February 8, 2009
By christine BRONZE, Luck, Wisconsin
christine BRONZE, Luck, Wisconsin
4 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Slicing sanding sawing softly
Wooden wonders with my hands
Nails nudged along a line
Crooked corners set to standard
Come my friend, we haven't time
Quickly now, change your mind
Have some peace! It's too hard
This way you're going, friend
You scare them, you're different
And never seem to mind
They hunt you down they purge
Your freedom from their view
Your indifference haunts them so
But you are one, and they are many
Slicing sanding sawing softly
Wooden wonders with my hands
Nails nudged along a line
Crooked corners set to standard
Come my friend, we haven't time
Sit here softly, peacefully at last
We'll fit you inside your coffin now

The author's comments:
Watching Brokeback Mountain got me thinking about this topic.


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