What I Don't Like | Teen Ink

What I Don't Like

February 8, 2009
By Anonymous

I could write a thousand, stupid poems,
About the reasons I like you,
But then I'd be like everyone else,
And that just wouldn't do.

So I'll take the time to write just one,
About the few things that bother me,
There really aren't that many of those,
Don't believe me? Well, you'll see.

You rarely text me anymore,
You never, ever call.
Sometimes I go so long without talking to you,
I don't remember why I liked you at all.

The way you talk confuses me,
I rarely understand what you say.
And every time we try to make plans,
You end up being "busy" that day.

So after writing all these things, I'm not sure about my choice.
Is it really worth trying to be with you,
If I never hear your voice?

The author's comments:
This is basically my lovelife up to date. I guess I like writing about things that happen in my life, because the feelings are felt alot stronger than if it was just a jumble of meaningless words put together because they sound good.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 20 2009 at 12:44 am
mysteriousmiss BRONZE, Roscoe, Texas
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
that's really good. i think it depicts a bunch of people's relationships. i really like it! =)