Work of Art | Teen Ink

Work of Art

January 28, 2016
By SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania SILVER, Millersville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like to read about beautiful words, of beautiful people and beautiful minds. Because honestly, they are all the things I wish of obtaining in reality."


Bristle marks on cheeks
And paint splatters where her eyes once were
Now they sparkled like the stars within
The Starry Night
But she was lost
Within the beautiful picture they were trying to create
She let them cover up her flaws
And they hung her on the wall
Like she was incapable of doing it herself
Now they, too, controlled her death
For her face was only a work of art
And her body a sculpture
No one wanted to buy

The author's comments:

ekphrastic poem

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