Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

Guardian Angel

February 9, 2016
By firegirl BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
firegirl BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was falling and falling

I'm so very wet

The waterful is very powerful pulling me under

Will someone save me?

Help I can't fight anymore. The grim reaper is waiting for me

I'll give in maybe Heaven won't be so bad after all.

I close my eyes ready for the water to consume me 

I can see the grim reaper's door opening and opening

A white light hit me everything stopped

The waterfull stopped wait did I die

I opened my eyes I was flying in the air

Something felt warm against my chest

I looked up I saw a woman

She was carrying me

It's a mircale I'm alive

The woman was wearing a white dress

She had wings that sparkle like gems

Her face is soft she's real

She has blonde hair with ocean blue eyes

She put me down to the ground

She smiled and waved goodbye

She disappeared

I was baffled by it

She was gone like that in a blink of an eye

I lived to see another day

I never saw her again

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