dictionary | Teen Ink


February 20, 2016
By chaaar SILVER, Gretna, Louisiana
chaaar SILVER, Gretna, Louisiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. "

co·ex·is·tence - 2 : to live in peace with one another.
no matter how loud we may enunciate each syllable of coexistence, you can hear nothing but a near-silent mumble -- if you're lucky -- a whisper.
nevertheless, the word dances off your tongue with the grace and beauty of a newly-born child. it twirls around your mind and teases your imagination like cigarette smoke. it intoxicates your heart and poisons every last piece of your soul with purification and passion. coexistence. it drifts through your heart and gives you the determination and optimism to change the world.
as much as we yearn for the word to be a way of life, every day we live in a world which practices the complete opposite. We see evil, horrible things happen right in front of us, but give it less attention than the mosquito buzzing in someone's ear. in all reality, we are cowards. no matter if you're on the side that produces pain or the side that watches it happen; they are both cowardice. we make no effort to change what happens in our everyday life, but in the early hours of the morning, we still pray for the same outcome. The air we breathe is sour as one word lingers in the air; coexistence.

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