Angels and Wolves | Teen Ink

Angels and Wolves

February 22, 2016
By KingToxicShadow BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
KingToxicShadow BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Lone Wolf

He is a wolf,
strong of will, powerful of spirit.
Abandoned, alienated, deserted.
‘Kicked to the curb,’ as some would say.
No one left to bother him,
and no one left to love.
All that was left was a brilliant mind,
a passion for sound,
and an uncontrollable hunger.
He was lost without someone.
Someone to protect,
strive for.
He was a lost puppy.

Without her.



A Lonely Angel

She is an angel,
pure of heart, noble of mind.
Fearful, forgotten, longing.
‘A star among darkness,’ as others would say.
No one there to comfort her,
and no one there to love her.
All that was there was a beautiful soul,
a love for singing,
and a dark void.
She was alone without someone.
Someone to care for,
accompany her,
She was a fallen angel.

Without him.

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