I Wish..... | Teen Ink

I Wish.....

February 23, 2009
By MelissaSmith GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
MelissaSmith GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish he felt the pain
That seeps and flows through
This machine in my chest
Called a heart
I wish he felt the feeling
Of suffocating
How it is to have an abundance of air
Taken away
Leaving you gasping
For what has now gone
I wish he felt the pain
Of heartbreak
Something so painful
Words couldn't even describe
Something he has done to me
Made me feel
I just really wish he felt what I do
How something so dear
Leaves without a trace
Only leaving memories
Of how he broke my heart
And left me to bleed
From all the cut
From picking up all the pieces
That were shattered.


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