Mother | Teen Ink


April 11, 2016
By amalsufiah BRONZE, Seremban, Other
amalsufiah BRONZE, Seremban, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Really strong, brave woman,
Willing to sacrifice,
Everything for us,
You always be here; in my heart,
I love you, mum.

Always be here; by my side,
Whatever I feel;
Happy, sad, disappoint
Yes, you always be by my side,
You always be here; in my heart,
I love you, mum.

Beautiful woman,
Always in mind; always in heart,
Wherever I go; wherever you go,
You always be here; in my heart,
I love you, mum.

Queen of my heart,
Good-looking; whatever you wear,
Soft-spoken; whenever you say,
Patience enough; whatever you face,
You always be here; in my heart,
I love you, mum.

Whenever I go; wherever I go,
Now or future; local or overseas,
I just want you; to always remember,
I love you and always love you,
May God bless you; always,
You are the one and remain the one,
Nobody can replace your speciality,
You always be here; in my heart,
I love you, mum.

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