The Name of a Woman I Once Knew | Teen Ink

The Name of a Woman I Once Knew MAG

April 14, 2016
By _alannahurt SILVER, Snyder, Texas
_alannahurt SILVER, Snyder, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
A blank piece of paper is God’s way of telling us how hard it to be God.
– Sidney Sheldon

Do you know her name?
I know there was a reason for her
to do what she did.
Do you know her name?
I know she used to hold you while you cried,
before she was the reason you cried.
Do you know her name?
I know that she was kind to you, and she cooked for you, and took care of you.
Do you know her name?
I know she sang for you, and it was awful but
you had never heard anything more beautiful.
Do you know her name?
I know how you felt when she crawled into bed
to comfort you and share a silly moment.
Do you know her name?
I know the words she said
Do you know her name?
I know the marks she left.
Do you know her name?
I know the heart.
Do you know her name?
I know the crack.
Do you know her name?
Yes. I do know her name,
but I dare not speak it.

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on Apr. 20 2016 at 8:15 pm
ambivalent SILVER, West Bend, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 180 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. [sylvia plath]

gave me shivers